As Salam and Good Evening Dato-Dato, Sir and Gentlemen. Yesterday, had the opportunity to visit Kol Hj Muhd Mukhtar and Kak Haminah at their residence at Bukit Beruntung. Kol Hj Mukhtar had symptoms of dementia and hardly recognises anyone apart from close family members. He is hearty but unable to recollect of this military activities and memories. His memory is only limited to some episodes in his life. Kol Mukhtar was my CO in 7 RRD, DS in Staff College and former Timb Pengarah Inf and has no recollection of these appointments. Kak Haminah is ever gallant and cheerful, always exercising patience, concern and keeping him under close supervision. May we keep Kol Hj Mukhtar and Kak Haminah in our prayers. Thank you.
Brig Jen Dato Nazrul Edgar (R)