PVTKR rayu pelarasan pencen veteran tentera

Original Article Berita Harian Oleh Mohd Roji Kawi – Ogos 12, 2024 @ 1:38pm mdroji@bh.com.my KUCHING: Persatuan Veteran Tentera Kor Renjer (PVTKR) menuntut agar isu pelarasan pencen bagi bekas anggota tentera yang menamatkan perkhidmatan selepas tahun 2013 diselesaikan segera. Presidennya, Leftenan Kolonel (B) Mohd Melintang Abdullah, berkata pelarasan pencen itu…

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Buku Perjalananku @ My Adventure Book

Sumber: Unimas Publisher PDF Version TENTANG BUKU INI Robert Rizal Abdullah ialah seorang penerima anugerah kepahlawanan Panglima Gagah Berani, yang telah dikurniakan atas keberanian dan kegagahan sejati melebihi panggilan tugas, semasa Operasi Jelaku 6 di Sarawak pada tahun 1973, di mana beliau telah menemui sebuah kem PGK dan bertempur di…

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Mengingati Kanang anak Langkau

Hari ini untuk pengetahuan semua, genaplah 11 tahun pemergian seorang pegawai tentera kita yang dianggap antara anak watan PALING BERANI DAN LUAR BIASA kesungguhannya dalam mempertahankan negara kita yang tercinta – Mendiang Temenggong Datuk Kanang anak Langkau. Tiada dalam sejarah Malaysia, melainkan seorang perajurit seperti Kanang, dianugerahkan DUA pingat keberanian…

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ATM’s first Dayak commander wants nothing other than ‘to serve his country’

Source: The Borneo Post KUCHING (July 22 2023): When Lt-General (R) Datuk Stephen Mundaw joined the army after completing his Form 6 education, it never occurred to him that this would be his true calling. At age 20, he had applied for all sorts of jobs including posts in the…

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Celebrating 60 years of Sarawak Rangers’ legacy

Source: New Sarawak Tribune KUCHING: The Sarawak Rangers have long been recognized for their exceptional contributions to Malaysia’s security and defense, earning them a well-deserved reputation as one of the country’s elite military units. With a rich and illustrious history, they have consistently safeguarded the nation’s interests throughout the years….

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Commando 33

3RD BATTALION MALAYSIA RANGERS ITS GLORIOUS YEARS 1965 – 1989 Dubbed as “Commando 33” by members of the Communist Party of Malaya (CPM), 3rd Battalion, Malaysia Ranger was the top fighting echelon of the Malaysian Army in the 70s when the CPM launched its second phase of the insurgency and…

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