Buku Perjalananku @ My Adventure Book

Sumber: Unimas Publisher PDF Version TENTANG BUKU INI Robert Rizal Abdullah ialah seorang penerima anugerah kepahlawanan Panglima Gagah Berani, yang telah dikurniakan atas keberanian dan kegagahan sejati melebihi panggilan tugas, semasa Operasi Jelaku 6 di Sarawak pada tahun 1973, di mana beliau telah menemui sebuah kem PGK dan bertempur di…

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The Ones That Didn’t Get Away. Episode No, 1. Operation Jelaku 3, Nonok (Now Asajaya) Sarawak.

Source: Facebook Hj Robert Rizal Abdullah 6 April 2021 BACKGROUND The year was 1973. The State was Sarawak. The situation in Sarawak was that it was still battling the Communist insurgency which had started in 1970, almost at the same time that Chin Peng had begun his second phase of…

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